Editor scripting

Learn how to override the base validator custom editor in order to create custom inspectors for your validators in few lines of code

Validator custom editor

By default each validator has already implemented a custom editor that allows for the serialization of basic properties, such as controls, validation result and info.

Thus, when creating a custom validator it will be drawn by the default custom editor. In order to customize how the validator is drawn and to add other properties, create a custom editor and inherit from the base class Validatox.Editor.ValidatorCustomEditor.

Override the method DrawProperties() and implement your custom logic.

Pury subpackage

Validatox comes with an embedded package called Pury.

This package allows to create editor windows in a very easy way. The Hub and Logs windows have been created using this package. The package is accessible through the namespace Pury.Editor.

In order to create a window using the Pury package, simply create a new script and inherit from Pury.Editor.PuryWindow.

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